Benefits of Shamanic Journey Meditation

TrueHeart Healing in Glen Ridge, NJ offers psychic medium readings, spiritual healing sessions and meditation workshops.

In summary:

  • Getting reacquainted with our true selves

  • Strengthening relationships with our guides

  • Gaining insights + guidance from all our spirit helpers

  • Developing our intuition + psychic skills

  • Building self-trust, as we see our visions come true

  • Basking in healing sound (from drums) + light (from spirit)


An ancient method for meditating and connecting with the spirit realm, the shamanic journey offers opportunities for insight, guidance and healing — not only for shamans and shamanic practitioners but for everyone.

Traditionally, healers have used the shamanic journey to enter the spirit realm and consult with helping spirits about their clients’ conditions. For nonpractitioners, the shamanic journey can be a way to get centered and in touch with their inner wisdom, as well as the wisdom of their own guides and the much larger collective consciousness.

Learning and practicing the shamanic journey is a unique experience that can be transformative in the immediate moment and beyond. The short- and long-term benefits are truly boundless. A few of them are explained in the brief list below:

  1. It’s easier for the active mind. Meditations that require you to release all thoughts can be challenging — and as a result, discouraging — for many people living in our modern society. Conversely, the shamanic journey asks us to shift our attention to what happens — what we see, hear, feel and otherwise sense — as our meditation unfolds like a movie scene playing out in our consciousness. In this way, the shamanic journey is more about the story or content — the information and insights — offered to us.

  2. It’s a way for us to really get in touch with our true selves. The shamanic journey offers us a way to go deep within ourselves and find our inner voice, our own inherent wisdom. It also helps us connect with our subconscious and perceive what is underneath and expose what healings need to happen or what we need to work on to live a more fulfilled life.

  3. It helps us develop psychic skills. The shamanic journey asks us to open and expand beyond our bodies and connect with the collective consciousness. These are psychic skills and the more we do it, the more attuned to our own intuition we become. We see the proof of this as we become more practiced and journey on behalf of others.

  4. It offers support in decision-making. The shamanic journey also offers a rich resource to help you with decision-making. Not only can you tap into yourself and the collective consciousness, you also can develop relationships with helping spirits and energies. All of those layers combined can be like your own council of experts. When you are trying to decide what to do next in your life, or whether you should choose between Choice A and Choice B, you can journey to consult with your council.

  5. It helps us build self-trust. As we see our visions come true, we begin to trust our intuition a whole lot more. With every reinforcement, with every alignment with what we feel to be true inside with what we see manifest outside, we build our own trust in ourselves. And that is extremely powerful for living a fuller life.

  6. It helps us understand we are more than our physical bodies. As we learn and practice expanding our consciousness, we also begin to truly internalize that we are made up of more than just our physical bodies. Our physical bodies are our tools, our vessels for our life force energy. They are not everything we are. This also is a powerful perspective for us to have as we make our way through our physical life.

  7. It allows us to bask in healing from spirit. Connecting with the spirit realm, where our life force originates, and sitting in that power can have a profound, healing effect. It opens us up, washes us with the love and compassion of spirit and fills us with warm, healing light. It calm us down and picks us up. It’s the ultimate recharge.

  8. The percussion offers the additional layer of sound healing. The drumming we use to get into a trance state so we can journey is a type of sound healing. The beat feels so good because it helps regulate our nervous system. It mimics our bodies’ natural rhythms and recalibrate our systems. It takes us back to our natural state.

Once you learn shamanic journey meditation, you can tap into all the benefits or focus on one at a time. Depending on your needs, you might choose to journey for the purpose of asking your guides for advice or simply basking in the healing light of spirit. It’s totally up to you. Shamanic journeying can serve many different purposes in your life, and you can make your practice whatever you need it to be.

If you are interested in learning and practicing the shamanic journey, TrueHeart hosts workshops and monthly Circles. Check out our Events page.


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