Green Flags for Choosing a Healer

TrueHeart Healing in Glen Ridge, NJ offers psychic medium readings as well as shamanic sessions, workshops and other group events.

Before I started on the path to become a practitioner, I found myself in need of a healing to alleviate the anxiety I was carrying while going through an unexpected upheaval of my life. I wanted to see someone who could provide insights as well — a shaman was the answer — but how would I know the right one for me? I had no clear idea.

During my search, I was given a lot of names and recommendations and came across a lot of information and websites. I realized that no two practitioners — of any modality — are exactly the same. Ultimately, I followed a gut feeling and chose a shaman who proved to be exactly what I needed — and who later became my teacher. I am so thankful that I found her, especially when I look back at that time and reflect on how little I knew about healers and just how vulnerable I was.

Now — after many years of studying alternative ways to heal and getting to know various teachers and practitioners — I have a much better understanding of the qualities to look for when seeking someone helpful and trustworthy, no matter the modality. So, here are my green flags for choosing a healer:

  1. The practitioner shows integrity. Do their words and actions match up? If they preach kindness and mindfulness, are they actually kind and mindful themselves? But most importantly, if they say they are an expert in a modality, are they really? Have they been trained? What are their credentials? The answers can be tricky because there is no regulating body with a standardized system for educating and certifying healers, but it’s a good sign when someone has been formally trained by an expert and is truly an expert themselves before they start practicing on clients and teaching students. They should care about being properly trained and prepared because it also speaks to how much they care about the experience their clients — and students — are going to have with them.

  2. The practitioner expresses clear intentions. Intentions are so important because they put the power in alternative healing — especially energy work. Is the practitioner transparent about their practice’s general purpose as well as what they intend with you? They should be able to clearly explain what they do and why — and what you can expect during and after a session. Do their intentions — and capabilities — match what you want and need? Everything about the practitioner — their words and actions — should align with their stated mission. And if you are looking for someone who’s a good fit for you, their intentions, purpose and capabilities should also align with your goals.

  3. The practitioner prioritizes permission. One of the biggest differences between a healer — also known as a lightworker — and someone who dabbles in the dark arts — which I highly recommend you do not get involved with — is permission. Does the practitioner seek permission? Do they ask a tree before taking some of its leaves? Do they make sure their clients are well-informed and fully onboard before conducting a healing? Do they have boundaries when it comes to their services? A true, well-intended healer would not perform any kind of work on anyone who is not fully aware and fully consenting, even when a client is asking them to. They have boundaries and respect the autonomy of others. That’s how you know they will also honor yours.

  4. The practitioner works with humility. It might not be the case in every modality, but most lightworkers acknowledge that they are a vessel through which healing is facilitated. They do not claim to possess god-like powers. Instead, they have developed relationships with helping spirits and guides they trust to assess the situation and conduct the healings they see necessary at the time. Lightworkers yield to that guidance and witness the healing like an assistant or chaperone. They do not attempt to change the course of the process or force a specific outcome. They allow and witness and remain a humble helper.

  5. The practitioner speaks and acts with compassion. When you seek the help of a healer, you entrust them with your personal matters. So you might want to consider: Does the practitioner provide a safe space where you feel free to express yourself and what you need without the fear of being judged or later having your privacy violated? Many healers have been through enough in their own lives that they have developed a high degree of compassion as well as a genuine desire to help others. But you want to make sure the person you consult is a good listener and also treats the relationship professionally, with confidentiality and respect.

While a gut feeling can be a great indicator, these five aspects offer a more tangible checklist for determining whether you want to work with a particular practitioner. In combination, they indicate someone with a heart-centered approach and your best interest in focus. Most likely, a practitioner that exhibits these characteristics can support you while you continue on your healing journey.


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