5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Right Now

TrueHeart Healing in Glen Ridge, NJ offers psychic consultations, medium readings, spiritual healing sessions and meditation events.

Your energetic vibration is the foundation for your life. It’s starting point from which you initiate and move through each day. Your vibration can change — for the higher or lower — depending on what happens around you, the challenges you face, how aware you are about how you are being affected and whether you are equipped to handle it. Your vibration can influence your perspective, decisions and outcomes.

Not paying attention to your vibration and letting it drop can lead to unease and even illness. Conversely, making a conscious effort to maintain a high vibration can keep you alive and well. It can help you stay in a state of peace, love and appreciation, embody your true self and have greater power and clarity. It can provide you with more focus on your goals. It can support you by attracting people, situations and opportunities that match your vibration and serve your highest good, while dispelling those that do not. It also can protect and improve your health.

So when life unexpectedly lowers your vibration, here are five ways to quickly raise it up:

  1. Think of someone you love. Find time and space to sit quietly and close your eyes. Imagine someone you love — and love to be around — is near you. Let yourself sink deep into the feeling of what it’s like to be with them. If a smile sneaks up on your face, all the better. A genuine smile also helps raise your vibration in a matter of seconds.

  2. Think of a simple pleasure that you thoroughly enjoy. It might be a quiet morning when you can savor a hot cuppa before getting ready for the day. It might be a candlelit bath, a walk in the woods or a late-night workout. Whatever it is, envision yourself in that scenario. Focus on how it makes you feel. Allow that feeling to wash over your entire body. Stay in that state for a few minutes, making sure you really take it in.

  3. Fill yourself with healing light. Close your eyes and envision a small ball of light in the center of your solar plexus, the place on your core that is between your rib cage. Holding your hand on that place, focus on your breathing. With every inhale, imagine the ball getting bigger and brighter, expanding and filling your entire stomach with light. Then imagine the light pushing into your shoulders and hips, arms and legs, hands and feet, fingers and toes. Then imagine that light pushing through your pours, into your egg-shaped auric field around you. Sit and bask in that light.

  4. Get up and brush yourself off, shake or jump. Just the act of getting up and standing can change your vibration. To take it a step further, you can use your hands to brush yourself off from head to toe of any energy that doesn’t belong to you or might be weighing you down. Other options include shaking your body or doing a few jumps up and down for a similar effect.

  5. Make a list of what is on your mind. Whatever thoughts, worries and concerns are swirling around your mind, write them down with pen on paper. When you’re finished making your list, fold it up and put it away somewhere for safe keeping — and revisiting at a time when you have the ability to focus on addressing those items.

These exercises are easy quick fixes for a higher vibration. They can be used in tandem with other mindfulness practices such as meditation that have longer term effects.

At TrueHeart Healing, we often use these exercises before we begin meditating. They help us get settled and centered, so we can go deeper into our inner knowing as well as expand into the collective consciousness. We know that a high vibration keeps us connected to ourselves and everything around us.

If you are interested in trying out these exercises and meditation with us, check out upcoming gatherings on our Events page.


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