What Happens During a Medium Reading?

TrueHeart Healing in Glen Ridge, NJ offers psychic medium readings as well as shamanic sessions, workshops and other group events.

A medium reading is when a medium — someone who is skilled at connecting with spirit — helps a client communicate with loved ones who’ve crossed over into the spirit realm. It’s an opportunity for the client to receive information, insights and messages that could only come from their loved ones in spirit, who might not be able to see the future entirely but many times, can see what lies a few steps ahead.

A point of intersection between the living and the dead, a medium reading can be validating and healing — and absolutely mystifying. Before a reading, my clients often have questions about what to expect, and afterwards, how it works.

So to try to explain what happens during a medium reading, I’ve broken it down into steps — and shared some insight into the TrueHeart process:

  1. Your loved ones choose your medium. Some believe your loved ones in spirit nudge you to schedule a reading with a medium of their choice. They choose a medium they can communicate with — someone who can understand and effectively relay the information and messages they share. Often the medium they choose has some sort of resonance with them — similar or related knowledge, experience or perspective.

    As soon as someone schedules a reading with me, I begin to get impressions — little bits of information — from their loved ones in spirit. I have found that my experience as a journalist — honing my ability to be observant and inquisitive as well as meeting and learning from so many different people — has enhanced my ability to perceive what spirit is trying to communicate.

  2. Mediums create a safe space for spirit communication. You might have seen people on TV investigating hauntings shouting and demanding that spirits show themselves. You also might have heard of people using spirit boards in attempt to open lines of communication. But these methods can create connections with earth-bound spirits and entities who are unknown and potentially dangerous. Most well-trained, well-intended mediums take precautions before reaching out to any spirits.

    When I begin my readings, I create a safe space by establishing energetic boundaries and protection for everyone involved. This is in an abundance of caution, as my clients’ loved ones are known spirits usually with the good intention of communicating with love and compassion.

  3. Mediums raise their vibration — while your loved ones lower theirs — to make communication possible. Having a physical body gives us living humans a lower vibration than our loved ones in spirit who have a higher vibration. This mismatch in frequency is what can make it difficult to communicate. But mediums are skilled at raising their vibration enough to be seen like a beacon of light by spirit. Spirits are attracted to this light, and when they choose to communicate, they lower their vibration to make it happen.

    During a reading, I focus on maintaining a high vibration achieved through a meditation I do beforehand. I also prepare my spirit team — the spirits who help me with mediumship — by confirming with them who we are scheduled to read for and asking them to get my clients’ loved ones in spirit ready to connect.

  4. Different mediums receive information in different ways. Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine the ocean. That’s what it’s like when mediums “see” spirit. Now close your eyes again but use your inner voice to say a word or phrase to yourself. That’s sort of what it’s like when mediums “hear” spirit. It’s through the mind’s eye or ear. Still, other mediums receive information through smell, taste, strong feelings or directly knowing. Some mediums have one or two senses; some have them all.

    During a medium reading, I strive to keep all of my “senses” open and alert so I don’t miss an opportunity to perceive what spirit is trying to communicate. Loved ones in spirit often employ different means — images, sounds, words, feelings, etc. — to provide a comprehensive idea of what they mean to say.

  5. Your loved ones share messages about your current life. Probably the most awesome part of a reading is when your loved ones share messages about your current life. It’s proof that they are still with you — albeit in a different form — and check in with you from time to time, keeping up with what is changing and developing in your life. A psychic medium reading is an opportunity for them to provide more direct input and guidance.

    I usually close a reading — or a segment of a reading communicating with a particular spirit — by asking for messages. I’m not sure anyone knows exactly how your loved ones stay current on your life, but when they share those acknowledgements, it’s amazing every time.

It’s truly a privilege to be a facilitator of this type of communication that can bring so much joy and healing. If you would like to schedule a medium reading with me, you can do so through the Services page.


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